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Schools Close Again

Last Sunday 6th of June President Joweri Museveni addressed the nation as a result of the increasing number of Covid-19 cases registered in the country. In his speech, the President stated 17% of the population currently have Covid, with the cumulative cases now standing at 52,929. Because the number of cases is now much higher with this wave when compared to the previous ones, and the most affected age group are young people between 20 and 39 years of age with the most transmitting rate in between 10 and 19 years of age, certain lockdown measures had to be put back in place.

This included closing down all schools and institutions of higher learning for 42 days, starting from Monday 7th of June. All teachers will have to now get fully vaccinated before returning to teach when schools open again on Monday 19th of July. Inshallah!

We continue to support our schools despite the pandemic and lockdown measures, and take this closing period to do repairs and maintenance of their institutional improved cook stoves. We will keep you updated of all maintenance activities taking place very soon!