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New School Joins

Bunamwaya Church of Uganda Primary School has joined our Project Activity over the weekend. Thanks to the kind donation from Herzlack (a vegan cosmetic company based in Germany), this school has managed to move away from a traditional stove construction to the institutional improved cook stoves (IICS).

Although the school year is about to end (schools are closing at the end of November), their current annual firewood expenditure of USD 1,950 will be drastically reduced by at least half, ensuring the school will save almost USD 1,000 during 2024, just by changing their cooking devices.

This amount of money saved means a huge positive impact to a government aided school’s finances, as the income collected from student fees is very low, making it very difficult to cater for other desperate needs. We have many times written on our blog before about the small sizes of food portions, the lack of proper infrastructure, the overcrowded classrooms, etc. The money saved from firewood NOT purchased will allow the school to alleviate some of these pressing needs.