Climate Change Dialogue

We attended the Climate Change Dialogue this month, hosted by the Ministry of Water and Environment and the Embassy of Sweden at the Protea Hotel in Kampala.

Fruitful discussions were held as different organisations presented their tangible outputs and proposals as we aim to reduce the impact on the environment and work towards combating climate change in their different capacities.

Bad Kitchens, Beautiful Smiles

Efforts are on-going as we push to convince schools to move away from unhealthy and unsuitable kitchen environments. We wanted to share the pictures of the school visited yesterday, a privately owned school with 800 primary children. The stoves used are in a deplorable condition, while the school is spending the crazy amount of UGX 1,200,000 on firewood per term for their cooking activities. Despite all, children are happy and eat their daily posho and beans.

We Welcome Angella to the Team

Angella Mbabazi has joined our team to help promote and sell improved cook stoves at both schools and households. Her degree in Agricultural Rural Innovation and past experience in community training in rural areas promoting sustainable agricultural practices and mobile phone applications, will be very useful to us as we would want to further invest in promoting urban farming activities within schools. We look forward to working with her, learning with her!

Selling More

Schools have now closed and children are enjoying their well deserved holidays. Classes will resume at the end of this month to commence Term II.

At Simoshi we have successfully achieved the sale of the first 500 dual fuel improved cook stoves (ICS) within the schools participating under Simoshi's Project Activity.

During this holiday period, our staff is designing new marketing activities to implement with School Agents and Student Champions within the classrooms, to further engage parents to move away from their traditional cooking practices.

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As we learned many lessons during Term I on our marketing and promotion of ICS, we have got new ideas to add onto the existing activities to reach the next target of 1,000 ICS to be sold.



Earth Day Celebrations

Today it has been a very special day as we participated in the International Children's Climate Change Conference organised by Little hands Go Green at Ntinda School for the Deaf.

Simoshi had the honor to answer to some of the super smart questions posed by many of the children attending from different schools while sharing the stage with Honorable Minister of Environment Ms. Maria Goretti Kituku.

We also had the opportunity to promote the Ugastove Dual Fuel household improved cook stove, with a stall that caught the attention of visitors as we boiled tea and offered yummy waffles made that same morning!

Achievements from Continuous Training

It is such a pleasure to see schools grasping positively all concepts related to a clean kitchen environment and firewood savings. As part of our monthly training provided to all kitchen staff and school management, we teach them how to best utilise the firewood purchased in the institutional improved cook stoves.

I was not aware that for firewood to properly dry its water content, it needs a full year! As a result of this fantastic video from FAO on the efficeint use of firewood, we developed our "Firewood Management Techniques". The pictures below from St. Paul Buloba Primary School and KCCA Kitebi Primary School speak for themselves.

Public Schools Climate Champions Award Ceremony

Today we had the pleasure to attend to one of the many climate change initiatives KCCA fosters and supports, empowering children to become conscious about their surrounding environment, at Kitante amphitheater.

It was such a joy to see the children proudly present their environmentally friendly projects, from fuel briquettes made out of waste, to biogas digesters, toys made out of plastic bags, herbal medicine, jewellery, and much more.

Nakivubo Blue Primary School won the competition, and the prize included 4 new institutional improved cook stoves (IICS) for their kitchen. We are so excited to be adding a new KCCA school under our carbon financing Project Activity! This means their new IICS will be receiving free annual maintenance for the next 5 years, ensuring the firewood savings are kept to a maximum. I will be at the school tomorrow measuring their saucepans, and will be posting again as the school makes the transition in their cooking practices and habits.



First Delivery of 500 Dual Fuel Stoves

Last week we collected 500 Dual Fuel improved cook stoves at Ugastove's factory in Makindye. As part of the United Nations Capital Development Fund programme, we have now officially started to promote and disseminate the energy efficiency cooking technology in schools participating under Simoshi's Clean Development Mechanism and Gold Standard Project Activity. We will be extending the knowledge of what the schools have already been using for the past years, to the homes of those same children attending school.

We made the first storage unit for 25 dual fuel stoves with the welder located right beside our office, and we loved the first sample. On Sunday, the storage unit was delivered at Gangu Muslim primary school as they were having their first parent visitation day of the school year. We will be disseminating a further 3 more storage units this week and we look forward to sharing more stories about our marketing approach, tools and outcome.

Partnership with Centenary Bank

Simoshi has formalised its partnership with Centenary Bank to further extend the number of schools included under its registered Clean Development Mechanism and Gold Standard Project Activity "Institutional Improved Cook Stoves for Schools and Institutions in Uganda".

Simoshi will target 70 new schools during 2018 that will be able to change their cooking practices by accessing Energy4Impact's loan scheme (HIL) managed by Centenary Bank. We share below some images of our recent visit to a school in Kampala together with Paul Byamugisha, Centenary Bank's credit supervisor.

New Year, New Office

It has been a quiet January 2018 in this space and we apologise for the silence! But is was a busy month for all of our team as we relocated offices within Kampala. Bigger space, not only for the office but also including a building with warehouse and storage as we prepare ourselves to buy new machinery for the maintenance of the institutional improved cook stoves (IICS), while we launch the sales activities of the household improved cook stoves (ICS) funded by UNCDF.

Chaos all over the place, painting, reconnecting power, water pipes, gardening.....and files mixed up in boxes. But we will be looking pretty and clean very soon! We look forward to this new year and telling more successful stories from the field.

Introduction Lunch

Last week we had the opportunity to meet with all the people involved in UNCDF's Renewable Energy Challenge. Six organisations - Simoshi, WANA Energy, Green heat, and Josa between others - were given the opportunity to briefly present their winning proposals at Cafe Latte restaurant. It was also a great opportunity for the Investment Committee to finally meet the individuals who will be implementing all the fantastic ideas to make clean cooking affordable and accessible in Uganda.

The meeting was honored with the presence of the Swedish Ambassador who discussed the Paris Agreement goals and proudly explained how the supported projects align with these global ambitions and climate change.

Simoshi Wins Its First Grant with UNCDF

What a fantastic way of wrapping up 2017, with the awarding of $100,000 from the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) for Simoshi's project "Improving household clean cooking through school consolidated networks". Under the Clean Cooking Window's Renewable Energy Challenge Fund (RECF), UNDCF will be co-investing in Simoshi's project and efforts as it aims to close the communication gap on household clean cooking. For the next 18 months, we will be promoting the existing energy efficient cooking technology used in schools to further disseminate that same knowledge to the students' households, building on the existing relationship of trust. We look forward to updating you on all the progress made as we get the project kick-off this month.

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Time for Free Maintenance

That time of the year has come when schools finalise Term III and go off for their well deserved 2-month holiday. Which means school kitchens are closed, an ideal time for us to perform the free annual maintenance on all institutional improved cook stoves (ICCS).

Throughout the month of November, our team has visited all the schools and made a quality assessment on the condition of all operating IICS. This has helped us in organisisng maintenance activities taking place during December and January. Some IICS can be maintained on site at each kitchen, others in need of more serious repairs are collected and taken to the factory for their annual service.

We have got schools already operating their IICS for the third consecutive year. And they are performing just like the first day, making the same firewood savings throughout all of this time. This has been achieved because not only because the IICS have received annual maintenance but also because the kitchen staff has been continuously trained and assessed on how to best operate the stoves.

Uganda's Climate Finance Landscape

Last week we had the pleasure to attend ACTADE's Private Sector Forum - Energy for Green Growth" with the aim of sharing knowledge and lessons learned on scaling up off-grid and energy efficient solutions. This was a great opportunity to meet new players in the sector and continue to close the communication gap as more organisations are quickly joining the fight on climate change.

Sharing Knowledge on Waste Management

Elke de Taeye, from Belgium, is on her 3rd year of her bachelor degree in social work. She is currently doing an internship with the NGO Humasol, with a focus on implementing environmental education in schools, and raising awareness on waste management.

Elke has started a one month project with Namungoona Kigobe, a KCCA supported school, that is already using the institutional improved cook stoves in their kitchen. We have welcomed her knowledge sharing and look forward to the school teachers views as the project is finalised.


As we await for the purchase of our boda (local word for bike here in Kampala), we are making improved cook stove deliveries to schools, as orders are flooding in. Blessings to our staff for putting up graciously with such events, and our boda driver Matthew.


Uganda Climate Change Symposium

On Thursday we participated at the Uganda Climate Change Symposium, organised by the MInistry of Water Climate Change Department, and NTV under the theme "A climate smart Uganda, a proud Ugandan" at the Kampala Serena hotel. It was a great opportunity to share debate, dialogue and engage with other stakeholders as government and the private sector work together to ensure a harmonised approach towards a climate-resilient and low-carbon path for Uganda.

Thus symposium explored opportunities in climate change and how they could be utilised to enhance Uganda's transformative economic growth and development agenda. We welcome this type of initiative and were glad to see government, private sector, development partners and CSOs all working together towards achieving a sustainable approach in agriculture, water management and natural resources.

Simoshi's exhibition space during the symposium

Simoshi's exhibition space during the symposium

Guest of Honor at Science Fair

What a great way to kick-off October by receiving the invitation from Kabowa Church of Uganda Primary School to become the guest of honor during their second Science Fair. We have enjoyed watching the children (aged 6 to 12) proudly share their scientific knowledge!

Kabowa Churcg of Uganda Primary School was founded by Kabowa Church of Uganda in 1952. Mrs. Mary Kintu and Ms Ssonko, teachers and members of the church developed and idea of founding a school. They started with one boy and two girls under a mango tree beside the old church building (a tree that is still standing).

In 2004 the school befell a disaster under heavy rainfall and five classrooms collapsed. KCCA constructed a storied block of seven classrooms, office and a library with water borne toilets.

The Science Fair was also an opportunity for the school to officially inaugurate the new kitchen and institutional improved cook stoves donated by KCCA and Expertise France and the 1,000 litres water tank donated by 3Z Foundation.

School Workshop

Last Friday we invited all participating schools to the workshop that took place at GRACES restaurant in Lubowa. The meeting's objective was (i) to reinforce all lessons learned on school's experiences using the institutional improved cook stoves (IICS) in their kitchens and (ii) to introduce a new project soon to be launched by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (more information to be posted soon).

The different presentations from SImoshi and Ugastove were enjoyed by an engaged audience, and many school representatives had great experiences to share. Some of our slides focused on ensuring that the holistic approach Simoshi implements in the kitchen environment is well understood so we can collaborate towards a smooth joint implementation. Training of the kitchen staff, firewood storage, free annual maintenance events and kitchen hygiene were some of the topics discussed.

We looked at the progress made to date with the registered project activity with the Clean Development Mechanism and the Gold Standard and review the concept behind carbon dioxide emission reductions and how future revenues accrued from the sale of carbon credits will support all IICS related maintenance costs, between other.

Our New Team Member

We welcome our new Project Officer, Mrs. Lazia Babra Nalumansi to the team. Today Conrad will be leading the training as he introduces Babra to her cluster of schools she will be closely monitoring in the future. We look forward to sharing her stories from the ground.

Babra and Conrad ready for action!

Babra and Conrad ready for action!