Dry Firewood Equally Important

Consuming dry firewood in an institutional improved cook stoves (IICS) is acrucial aspect when aiming at achieving the highest fuel savings. Firewood does not always contain the same amount of energy and the main reason is the water stored in it. Fresh firewood has a 50% water content when chopped from the tree and it can take several months to dry. After 12 months under appropriate drying conditions, the water content lowers to 15% and the energy values double!

That is why our Project Officers take a lot of time teaching schools how to best store firewood, and what to look for when engaging with suppliers. We have developed the "Firewood Best Practice Manual" and we are happy to see how schools have slowly incorporated the concepts and made amazing changes with storage. Here we share some pictures from the progress made at Namungoona Kigobe Primary School.