Understanding The Process

Carbon financing has certainly helped Simoshi roll-out its activities with schools, and support for the past 5 years all school kitchens and their transition to utilising institutional improved cook stoves, to achieve the minimum requirement of 50% firewood savings. And that is just one of the many benefits provided to them, the children and staff.

That is why we continuously receive other organisations from different sectors looking for advice and information on how to enter the carbon markets. The process is not simple, can become extremely technical and confusing (especially with the recent rule changes with the post-Paris era), but we always encourage others to take time to look into the voluntary certification as an important income revenue to support project activities in a sustainable way.

This month we met with Love Binti International, an association that supports women in Uganda by improving sanitation, upgrading infrastructure, providing vocational training support, improving their menstrual health, and defending their right to education.