Dedicated Environmental Activists

Being a Project Developer implementing a carbon project, means a lot of hard work, efforts, and high risks are taken, especially when working in Least Developed Countries. On a daily basis we struggle to fix problems, and against the odds we overcome all sorts of challenges, in the field, and at a macro level, with the structural changes the compliance and voluntary carbon markets are now undergoing.

It still does not stop us to drive significant climate change, community, resilience, food security, social and economic empowerment to many of the most vulnerable and forgotten people and remote places on this planet.

About 90% of the total primary energy consumption in Uganda is generated through biomass: firewood (78.6%), charcoal (5.6%) and crop residues (4.7%). Every year 19,700 people die as a consequence of using 3-stone fires for their daily cooking activities. These traditional stoves have been associated with extremely low efficiency with 93% of the energy generated being lost during cooking. Not only does it result in indoor and outdoor air pollution, but also contributes to regional deforestation and forest degradation - from 1990 and until 2010 more than 39% of the existing forest disappeared.

When you purchase carbon credits from Simoshi, you not only compensate for your unavoidable emissions, but you also make this project activity a reality - it would have never happened in the absence of money generated through carbon credits sales!

Your contribution positively impacts the school finances, reduces air pollution and health related problems for children and cooks, decreases the deforestation impact, reduces CO2 emissions, while also empowering women and children in Uganda. Visit our “Offset” page to learn more how to take action.